On Production Process Optimization Based on Queuing Theory—Take Enterprise A as an Example

Cai Gongshan, Ni Yuan, Yang Lu, Gao Yudong
2020 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR2020)   unpublished
In recent years, while the order-pull production model has been favored by the manufacturing industry, many companies also face problems such as order loss and insufficient production efficiency. In this paper, the method of process analysis is used to analyze the existing production process of Enterprise A, find out some problems in the entire production process, and then design an optimized production flow chart; then consider the service quality of the enterprise (the average of customers)
more » ... ay time), operating costs and the company's development plan draw two optimization strategies for company A. Using the queuing theory to compare and analyze the two optimization strategies, the research shows that the combination of process analysis and queuing theory can help solve the problems of high cost, low efficiency, and long service time.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200428.057 fatcat:lrer5dolqreybe2recakenkvam