Logistic Model Analysis of Neurological Findings in Minamata Disease and the Predicting Index

Masanori NAKAGAWA, Tomoko KODAMA, Suminori AKIBA, Kimiyoshi ARIMURA, Junji WAKAMIYA, Makoto FUTATSUKA, Takao KITANO, Mitsuhiro OSAME
2002 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
Objective To establish a statistical diagnostic method to identify patients with Minamata disease (MD)considering factors of aging and sex, we analyzed the neurological findings in MDpatients, inhabitants in a methylmercury polluted (MP) area, and inhabitants in a non-MP area. Materials and MethodsWecomparedthe neurological findings in MDpatients and inhabitants aged more than 40 years in the non-MParea. Based on the different frequencies of the neurological signs in the two groups, we devised
more » ... he following formula to calculate the predicting index for MD:predicting index = l/(l+e x)xl00 (The value ofx was calculated using the regression coefficients of each neurological finding obtained from logistic analysis. The index 100 indicated MD, and 0, non-MD). Results Using this method, we found that 100% of male and 98% of female patients with MD(95 cases) gave predicting indices higher than 95. Five percent of the aged inhabitants in the MP area (598 inhabitants) and 0.2% of those in the non-MP area (558 inhabitants) gave predicting indices of 50 or higher. Conclusion Our statistical diagnostic method for MD was useful in distinguishing MDpatients from healthy elders based on their neurological findings.
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.41.14 fatcat:m3hqifpmljakjmp6rakm3ixay4