Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Bolted Joints under Dynamic Loading

Ling LI
2016 Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
1.西安建筑科技大学机电工程学院 西安 710055; 2.北京工业大学机械工程与应用电子技术学院 北京 100124) 摘要:研究栓接结合部在动载荷下的能量耗散特性,对描述机械系统复杂力学行为具有重要的理论和实际意义。利用 Bouc-Wen 模型模拟栓接结合部的迟滞非线性特性,提出在动载荷下系统能量耗散计算方法和参数辨识方法。为验证所提方 法的正确性,利用 Mindlin 模型所仿真出的非线性迟滞曲线作为栓接结合部所获得的试验数据,对 Bouc-Wen 模型进行参数 辨识,并采用力控制方式分析 Bouc-Wen 模型中各个参数对系统能量耗散特性的影响规律。结果表明:随着量纲一切向力的 增加量纲一能量耗散随之非线性递增;参数 A、δ、γ 和 n 对能量耗散的影响与其灵敏度相关,灵敏度越大则能量耗散的递增 速率也越大;能量耗散随着参数 A、γ 和 n 的增加而增加,但参数 δ 则反之;栓接结合部能量耗散不仅与 Bouc-Wen 模型中 的参数相关, 而且与系统激励频率和振幅非线性相关; 量纲一切向力与量纲一能量耗散之间关系可表示为 η=aΓ b 的函数形式。
more » ... 特性;Bouc-Wen 模型;参数辨识 Abstract:The energy dissipation characteristics of bolted joints under dynamic loading is of great importance for describing the complex mechanical properties of mechanical system. Here, the hysteresis nonlinearity model of bolted joints is established by the equivalent Bouc-Wen model and the corresponding calculation method of energy dissipation and the identification method of Bouc-Wen model are presented. In order to verify the correctness of the methods, the experiment data of bolted joints is obtained by simulation of Mindlin model. The parameters of the Bouc-Wen model are identifed, and the energy dissipation characteristics of bolted joints are obtained with different forces controlled. The simulation results showed that the dimensionless tangential load increase as the energy dissipation nonlinear increase. The parameters of the Bouc-Wen model have influence on the energy dissipation that is related to its sensitivity, the more sensitivity, the larger incremental rate of the energy dissipation. The parameters (A, γ and n) of the Bouc-Wen model increases as the energy dissipation separation increases, but the parameter γ the opposite. The energy dissipation characteristics of bolted joints is relevant to the parameters of the Bouc-Wen model, excitation frequency and amplitude. The relationship between the dimensionless tangential load and the energy dissipation can be expressed as η=aΓ b .
doi:10.3901/jme.2016.13.141 fatcat:m7kkfbpxr5h6bi44avofgbmh3m