Determining velocities in high frequency electromagnetic prospecting by phase shift plus interpolation migration

Van Thi Thanh Nguyen, Kim Hoang Le, Trung Hoang Dang, Thuan Van Nguyen
2016 Science and Technology Development Journal  
Phase Shift Plus Interpolation (PSPI) Migration is one of the most popular migration methods that is used not only in Seismic Data Processing but also in interpreting high frequency electromagnetic prospecting [Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data]. Based on the similarities between the principle of the propagation of electromagnetic wave and the mechanical wave, migration methods could be applied to interpreting GPR data as a particular step to calculate the medium's velocity, estimate the
more » ... , shape and size of buried objects. Noticeably, there are two kinds of velocities usually used in migration methods: root mean square (RMS) velocity, which is used in F – K, Finite Difference and Kirchhoff Migration, and interval velocity, which is used in PSPI Migration. RMS velocity is the average velocity taken into account by considering the influence of the upper layer's instantaneous velocity; whereas the interval velocity only reflect the practical velocity of one layer. In this paper, the problem of how to apply PSPI Migration to interpret GPR data will be presented. Some results of model datum and real datum were also examined. Besides, we made a comparison of using RMS velocity and interval velocity, and then explain how these two types of velocity could be combined to receive the best result.
doi:10.32508/stdj.v19i1.546 fatcat:htx2wzv3wbcsflba22l3jh2ceu