CSPACE for a simulation of core damage progression during severe accidents

JinHo Song, Dong-Gun Son, JunHo Bae, Sung Won Bae, KwangSoon Ha, Bub-Dong Chung, YuJung Choi
2021 Nuclear Engineering and Technology  
CSPACE (Core meltdown, Safety and Performance Analysis CodE for nuclear power plants) for a simulation of severe accident progression in a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) is developed by coupling of verified system thermal hydraulic code of SPACE (Safety and Performance Analysis CodE for nuclear power plants) and core damage progression code of COMPASS (Core Meltdown Progression Accident Simulation Software). SPACE is responsible for the description of fluid state in nuclear system nodes, while
more » ... COMPASS is responsible for the prediction of thermal and mechanical responses of core fuels and reactor vessel heat structures. New heat transfer models to each phase of the fluid, flow blockage, corium behavior in the lower head are added to COMPASS. Then, an interface module for the data transfer between two codes was developed to enable coupling. An implicit coupling scheme of wall heat transfer was applied to prevent fluid temperature oscillation. To validate the performance of newly developed code CSPACE, we analyzed typical severe accident scenarios for OPR1000 (Optimized Power Reactor 1000), which were initiated from large break loss of coolant accident, small break loss of coolant accident, and station black out accident. The results including thermal hydraulic behavior of RCS, core damage progression, hydrogen generation, corium behavior in the lower head, reactor vessel failure were reasonable and consistent. We demonstrate that CSPACE provides a good platform for the prediction of severe accident progression by detailed review of analysis results and a qualitative comparison with the results of previous MELCOR analysis.
doi:10.1016/j.net.2021.06.039 fatcat:swrop5xycvbz7pidvkvhwff4h4