吸音率に対する残響室のちがいの影響 : 残響室法による吸音率測定に関する実験的研究IV
The Effect of Shape and Volume of the Reverberation Chamber on the Absorption Coefficient of Acoustic Materials

Masaru Koyasu
1957 Acoustical Science and Technology  
The effects of the shape and volume of the reverberation chamber on the measured absorption coe 伍 cient are di3cussed here. Reverberation chambers used for this research were the two chambers in our institute , which were constructed in the same manner except for the shape and the volume . Same test spec ゆ ens and measuring apparatus were used in this re ∋earch , making it possible to investigate purely the eff t of the shape and volume of the chamber No . ' 1. By consider 三 ng the behavior of
more » ... ound waves in both chambers , it 1s concluded that the shape of the reverberation chamber plays an important role for the uniform disしribution of sound energy . As to the absDrption coeMcient de且ned by Sabine ' s formula, it sllould be the coefHcient which is unaffected by the positlon oi microphone and test specimen . When such a pheno ・ menon ag shown in chamber No .20ccurs in the reverberation chanlber , it is necessary to be carefuI of the measuring conditions ; or else it would lead to erroneous results if the 皿 ean va 工 ue of absorption coeMcients is simply taken on several microphone positions .
doi:10.20697/jasj.13.4_320 fatcat:gljwymjbbbd37pw7tq4pirn7eq