Genome Size Evolution in New Zealand Triplefin Fishes

A. J. R. Hickey, K. D. Clements
2005 Journal of Heredity  
The genome sizes of 18 species of New Zealand triplefin fishes (family Tripterygiidae) were determined by flow cytometry of erythrocytes. The evolutionary relationships of these species were examined with a molecular phylogeny derived from DNA sequence data based on 1771 base pairs from fragments of three mitochondrial loci (12S and 16S ribosomal RNA, and the control region) and one nuclear locus (ETS2). Haploid genome sizes ranged from .85 pg (1C) to 1.28 pg with a mean of 1.15 6 .01pg. Genome
more » ... size appeared to be highly plastic, with up to 20% variation occurring within genera and a 50% difference in size between the smallest and the largest genome. No evidence was found to indicate polyploidy as a mechanism for speciation in New Zealand triplefins. Factors suggested to influence genome sizes of other organisms, such as morphological complexity, neoteny, and longevity, do not appear to be associated with shifts in the genome sizes of New Zealand triplefins.
doi:10.1093/jhered/esi061 pmid:15858158 fatcat:55jkposkmzgghn4ddi7xwgjb2m