Computed Tomographic Fluoroscopy-guided Transthoracic Needle Biopsy for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules

T. Hirose
2000 Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology  
Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; TTNB, transthoracic needle biopsy; US, ultrasonography Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of computed tomographic (CT) fluoroscopy-guided transthoracic needle biopsy (TTNB) with an 18-gauge automatic biopsy gun for the diagnosis of pulmonary nodules. Methods: Between March 1996 and January 1998, 50 patients in whom pulmonary lesions could not be diagnosed cytopathologically with fiberoptic bronchoscopy or were not clearly
more » ... visualized with fluoroscopy underwent CT fluoroscopy-guided TTNB. Results: Final pathological diagnoses were 23 lung carcinomas, five pulmonary metastases and 22 benign lesions. Sufficient tissue for analysis was obtained from 48 of the 50 lesions (96%). The overall diagnostic yield of CT fluoroscopy-guided TTNB was 90%. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for malignancy were 89%, 100% and 94%, respectively. In 20 of the 22 cases (91%) of benign lesions, histological analysis yielded correct and specific diagnoses. Complications occurred in 22 of the 50 cases (44%). The most common complication was pneumothorax, which occurred in 21 of the 50 cases (42%). Chest tube insertion was required in 6 (12%). Conclusions: Although CT fluoroscopy could not decrease the complication rate, CT fluoroscopy-guided TTNB with an automatic biopsy gun appears to be a promising technique for diagnosing pulmonary lesions, particularly benign lesions.
doi:10.1093/jjco/hyd070 pmid:10939429 fatcat:2he2scdk6fg43o3ui6dgxn6hqm