Research on suitability of anaerobically treated green waste and sewage sludge mixtures with meat waste for soil fertilization

Pranas Baltrėnas, Mindaugas Kvasauskas
2009 Ekologija  
To evaluate the suitability of biodegraded organic waste for soil fertilisation, an experiment aimed at determining the amounts of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and heavy metals contained in this waste and determining its pH was carried out. Organic waste used for research consisted of mixes of meat waste (MW) with green waste (GW) and meat waste (MW) with sewage sludge (SS) in proportion 3 : 1, 1 : 1 and 1 : 3. MW and SS (1 : 3) mixture was found to be the most suitable organic fertiliser
more » ... remediate exhausted soils and usedup areas. This mix was determined to contain the biggest contents of nitrogen and phosphorus, 4.89 mg/kg and 227.0 mg/kg respectively. Heavy metal concentrations were also found the highest among the researched cases, however they did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in soil when fertilized with sludge. The concentration of chromium amounts to 1.05 mg/kg, that of zinc -15.73 mg/kg, lead -7.74 mg/kg, copper -29.88 mg/kg and nickel -11.05 mg/kg. MW and SS (1 : 3) mixture is mostly suitable for the fertilisation of acid soils, because its pH value was 6.8.
doi:10.2478/v10055-009-0009-5 fatcat:6nmsg3fpvfefleghasljri3onu