A Retrospective Analysis of Annual Cesarean Section Rate in a Tertiary Care Hospital, KOTA

Suman Bala
2017 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Objective: Caesarean Section is the second commonest surgery done in India after tubectomy and has great impact on maternal and neonatal health. Increasing Caesarean rates have raised the need to study its influencing factors. The objective is to analyze the different indications and frequency of caesarean sections in order to reduce such deliveries in a tertiary hospital. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted over a period of one year from 1 st July 2016 to 30 th June 2017 at the
more » ... rtment of OBG, medical college, Kota (Rajasthan), India. Data of patients who delivered by C-Section in our hospital during the defined study period was recorded and a statistical analysis of various parameters namely, the caesarean section rates, its indications, demographic features, the patient's morbidity and mortality was done. Results: The total numbers of women delivered over the study period were 11477, out of which C-Sections were 4545. The overall CS rate was 39.60%. Previous CS was the leading indication to the CS rate (43.07%) followed by fetal distress (11.15%), oligohydroamniosiugr (09.32%), breech presentation (7.50%), cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) (6.15%) and arrest of labor (04.61%). 15.08% patients had various complications mainly infection (7.50%) and operative injury (3.26%). There was 3mortality during this period. Conclusions: Being a tertiary care hospital, a high rate of Caesarean deliveries was observed. Although individualization of the indication and careful evaluation, following standardized guidelines, practice of evidenced-based obstetrics are done in our institute but due to multiple and unavoidable factors cesarean rate is increasing. Audit and feedback is the best way to judge clinical practice and to reduce the frequency of cesarean section in any tertiary setup.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.168 fatcat:sncskgbbsnc7ziesedk5awjn4m