A System Thinking Approach to Human Resource Development in the Oil Industry

Kwadwo Ayeh Obiri, Bassam Bjeirmi, Prince Boateng
2020 Journal of Energy Research and Reviews  
Prerequisite for the development of production linkages in the oil and gas (O&G) industry is the existence of a skilled and experienced workforce. Resource-rich countries, however, are either in short supply or lack of the requisite local capacity. This paper adopts system thinking (ST) methodology to provide a comprehensive approach in identifying, analysing and understanding the interconnections and interrelationship among the variables affecting the challenge of human resource development
more » ... D) in the oil industry. The concept of feedback embedded in ST allows complex issues to be viewed as an interconnected set of circular relationship rather than the linear cause-and-effect. Consequently, ST tool of causal loop diagram (CLD) aids in visualising the understanding of HRD factors, their relationships in the causal factors and the strategies for sustainable development of domestic skills, know-how and local capacity. Policies for developing human resource in the oil and gas industry are recommended to policymakers and stakeholders.
doi:10.9734/jenrr/2020/v4i130118 fatcat:ousy4zwsabckhi3i4adpc3zcei