Suppressing quantum fluctuations in classicalization

Alexander Vikman
2013 Europhysics letters  
We study vacuum quantum fluctuations of simple Nambu-Goldstone bosons - derivatively coupled single scalar-field theories possessing shift-symmetry in field space. We argue that quantum fluctuations of the interacting field can be drastically suppressed with respect to the free-field case. Moreover, the power-spectrum of these fluctuations can soften to become red for sufficiently small scales. In quasiclassical approximation, we demonstrate that this suppression can only occur for those
more » ... s that admit such classical static backgrounds around which small perturbations propagate faster than light. Thus, a quasiclassical softening of quantum fluctuations is only possible for theories which classicalize instead of having a usual Lorentz invariant and local Wilsonian UV- completion. We illustrate our analysis by estimating the quantum fluctuations for the DBI-like theories.
doi:10.1209/0295-5075/101/34001 fatcat:23mg24v2sfdzlgjizdsjipj2zu