Study of the Chinese Linguistics and Literatures Teaching Mode under New Curriculum

Li Feng-yun
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Economic Management and Social Science   unpublished
For the problems exit in today's Chinese Linguistics and Literatures teaching such as ignorance to the students' humanistic quality cultivation, ineffective teaching and the lack of effectiveness teaching evaluation system, this essay present the necessity of optimizing the teaching under new curriculum and put forward new methods to perfect its teaching mode, namely to explore the class teaching efficiency, strengthen the humanistic quality cultivation and emphasize the teaching evaluation
more » ... em developing. China's new round of curriculum reform has deeply changed the mode of basic education. Chinese Linguistics and Literatures, an important component of Chinese teaching, which play a significant r ole in students' humanistic quality and comprehensive abilities developing, undergone magnificent changes in teaching mode under the new curriculum reform. The imperfect teaching mode confronts lots of problems and challenges in the reforming background, how to optimize really counts. Problems exit in Chinese Linguistics and Literatures teaching mode A Ignorance to students' humanistic quality cultivation
doi:10.2991/emss-14.2014.63 fatcat:vdyqpbo3tvdxrawmuwt6x7pe4m