Sociostylistics as a part of interactive stylistics – getting back and perspectives

Daniela Slančová
2019 Jazykovedný Časopis  
AbstractThe article deals with the concept of interactive stylistics and sociostylistics as one of its subdisciplines. The interactive stylistics is explained as a transdisciplinary field of knowledge. In a way, the article is also a reaction to the stylistic views of Ján Bosák from the 1990s. The concept of interactive stylistics is incorporated in the trends of the Slovak stylistics in the 21st century. The article explains the crucial terms: interaction, communication, style, stylistic/style
more » ... quality, styleme, axiological competence, principles that conduct, coordinate and control the process of stylization. Style is defined as the mode of verbal interaction which in a specific communication act acquires the qualitative value. It has a processual character. Styleme is a cognitive-pragmatic unit of the stylistic/style quality defined by its content, the inner and outer form and function. The paper presents a division of the theoretical stylistics into its subdisciplines and their research fields. Sociostylistics is divided into macro- and microsociostylistics. The concepts of macrosocial and microsocial communication registers and stratification of Slovak language are explained as the key concepts, which, stylistically understood, are the main areas of interest of sociostylistics.
doi:10.2478/jazcas-2020-0007 fatcat:7utzopdoi5e7jimxd4a5gx6kpe