Better Product Labels for Better Consumer Choices

Birgit Stoltenberg, Matthias Unfried, Vladimir Manewitsch
2022 NIM Marketing Intelligence Review  
Ethical consumption is on the rise Sustainable and ethical consumption has become increasingly important and has had a major impact on consumer buying behavior over the last 10 years. For example, sales of organic food in Germany have more than doubled since 2010. On the one hand, this change in behavior is intrinsically motivated, as individuals may enjoy doing something good for others or the environment -economists refer to this phenomenon as the "warm glow effect." On the other hand,
more » ... rs are increasingly aware that they can make a difference and change markets through their buying behavior. However, people's needs and preferences are diverse. Conscious consumption can be driven by health-related motives. But it can also be triggered by socio-political, ethical, or environmental considerations. Some consumers specifically seek products or services that are produced in accordance with their subjective values. Others consciously focus on consuming less and limiting purchases to a necessary minimum. Conscious consumers need a good basis for decisionmaking But how do people find products or services that best reflect their own values? One way to support consumers in their decision-making is by using product labels or quality seals. Such labels usually highlight certain product characteristics, e.g., whether the product was produced according to ecological principles, and enable consumers to easily identify different qualities. Therefore, they help consumers decide whether products meet their own needs and preferences.
doi:10.2478/nimmir-2022-0008 fatcat:6bsraev7tjhghhlnll35d4dh2e