Referee report. For: Four practice-based preliminary studies on Human Givens Rewind treatment for posttraumatic stress in Great Britain [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]

Richard Gray
Human Givens (HG) Rewind is a relatively unknown trauma-focussed treatment. This paper aimed to provide preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of Rewind to treat posttraumatic stress (PTS) in a variety of clinical settings in Great Britain. Methods: An observational prospective design was used in each of the four studies. Standardised questionnaires were administered in every session. Pre-and post-treatment means and effect sizes were calculated for each study, as were 'recovery rates' and
more » ... eliable change' rates. Results: Across four studies, a total of 274 clients completed treatment and had complete data. The data capture rate ranged from 80-100%. The mean pre-treatment scores were in the severe range. The pre-post treatment effects sizes ranged from 1.90-2.68. The recovery rate, or percentage of clients who were below the clinical cutoff after treatment, ranged from 46-56% for the more conservative lower cut-offs, and ranged between 71-82% for the higher clinical cutoffs as used by Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT). Across the four studies, 83-96% of clients had 'reliably improved' (88-94% on trauma-specific questionnaires), with 4-17% having no reliable change on those questionnaires. There was no 'reliable deterioration'. The mean number of HG treatment sessions ranged from 5-6.5 sessions (range 1-24 sessions), with between 73% and 84% of participants completing treatment in six sessions or less. Conclusions: These preliminary results indicate that HG Rewind appears to be a promising trauma treatment in a variety of settings. A randomised controlled trial is now required to determine the efficacy of this treatment. Barkham M, Margison F, Leach C, et al.: Service profiling and outcomes benchmarking using the CORE-OM: toward practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2001; 69(2): 184-196. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text Barr E: Barr (2020) Study 4, Human Givens Rewind treatment for posttrauamtic stress. figshare. Dataset. 2020. Brady KT, Killeen TK, Brewerton T, et al.: Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2000; 61(Suppl 7): 22-32. PubMed Abstract Brewin CR, Gregory JD, Lipton M, et al.: Intrusive images in psychological disorders: Characteristics, neural mechanisms, and treatment implications. Psychol Rev. 2010; 117(1): 210-232. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text | Free Full Text Burdett H, Greenberg N: Service evaluation of a Human Givens therapy service for veterans. Occup Med (Lond). 2019; 69(8-9): 586-592. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text Clark DM, Layard R, Smithies R, et al.: Improving access to psychological therapy: Initial evaluation of two UK demonstration sites. Behav Res Ther. 2009; 47(11): 910-920. PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full Text | Free Full Text
doi:10.5256/f1000research.28449.r73276 fatcat:emk6wp57dvepvbzeaiiqyzrqxy