Beta functions of topologically massive supergravity

R. Percacci, M. J. Perry, C. N. Pope, E. Sezgin
2014 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We compute the one-loop beta functions of the cosmological constant, Newton's constant and the topological mass in topologically massive supergravity in three dimensions. We use a variant of the proper time method supplemented by a simple choice of cutoff function. We find that the dimensionless coefficient of the Chern-Simons term, ν, has vanishing beta function. The flow of the cosmological constant and Newton's constant depends on ν; we study analytically the structure of the flow and its fixed points in the limits of small and large ν.
doi:10.1007/jhep03(2014)083 fatcat:s2rrr7p3pvaxhcznbqvtclyxkm