Evolution of Lippia multiflora Biomass by the Fertigation Technique on a Ferralsol in the South of Côte d'Ivoire

Marie-Paule Hien, Thierry Philippe Guety, Louan Odile Blé, Koffi Patrick Elysée Konan, Albert Yao-Kouamé
2022 Journal of Agricultural Science  
In order to domesticate Lippia multiflora for its perpetuation, study was carried out at the National Center of Floristics (CNF) of the University Félix Houphouët Boigny of Côte d’Ivoire. The objective of this work is to estimate the biomass of Lippia multiflora (Verbenaceae), called “savannah tea”, under the effect of urea diluted in water (fertigation) over time on a ferralsol in southern Côte d’Ivoire. The trial was set up in a completely
more » ... ized Fisher block design with three replications. Potted Lippia multiflora plants received two doses of urea T1 (0.5 g) and T2 (1 g) previously diluted 1 liter of water and a control treatment T0 without urea addition. The effects of these different doses on the growth parameters of Lippia multiflora were compared with each other using analysis of variance to assess the growth parameters of the plant. The observations were made on the average height of the plants in centimeters (cm), the average diameter of the stem, the average number of leaves and roots. From the results obtained, the contribution of urea influenced the growth of Lippia multiflora because different from those of the T0 control. It appears that the application of urea T1 (0.5 g) best promotes the growth of Lippia multiflora.
doi:10.5539/jas.v14n10p57 fatcat:tic3wmbaubdy7hi22ocf5um3ji