A Survey on the Continuing Education Status and Demand of Nurses in Chongqing Grass-Root Medical Institutions

Tong Li
2020 Open Journal of Nursing  
With the increased aging of population, the continuous increase in the morbidity of chronic diseases, and the issuance of universal two-child policy, the grass-root medical teams become more and more important. Objective: To investigate the continuing education status and demand of nurses in the grass-root medical institutions and thus provide a reference for optimizing the continuing education plan. Methods: From October 2018 to May 2019, a survey of 270 nurses from 28 grass-root medical
more » ... utions in Tongliang District of Chongqing was performed using a self-designed questionnaire. Results: In the grass-root medical institutions, the major continuing education pattern of nurses was hospital training and distance education; the continuing education focused on new basic theoretical knowledge and new nursing techniques, and its satisfaction was 67.8%. About 20.6% questionnaire answerers never had received continuing nursing education. As shown by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and binary logistic regression analysis, the following factors were associated with the continuing education participation in the past three years: work unit, organizational affiliation, age, professional title and hospital policies. There were 93.0% questionnaire answerers reflecting that it was necessary to participate in the continuing education and wishing the conformance between the pattern and contents of continuing nursing education and the actual implementation status. Conclusion: The continuing education demand of nurses in the grass-root medical institutions is basic but diverse, and the organizations shall provide effective policy support for continuing education and make the diversified training plan by combining Internet technology, so as to realize the maximization of continuing education participation and keep improving the overall service quality of gross-root nurses.
doi:10.4236/ojn.2020.102010 fatcat:w4y3jtaj4fdfveasj4pom6pss4