Metadata Management in the Taverna Workflow System

Khalid Belhajjame, Katy Wolstencroft, Oscar Corcho, Tom Oinn, Franck Tanoh, Alan William, Carole Goble
2008 2008 Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID)  
There seems to be a general consensus on the crucial role metadata can play for enhancing the functionalities of scientific workflows systems, e.g., workflow and service discovery, composition and provenance browsing, among others. However, in most cases their management is underspecified, if not left unaddressed at all. A step in this direction, the main contribution of the work presented in this paper is an overview of metadata and their management in the Taverna workflow system. In Taverna,
more » ... e consider metadata to be a first class citizen in the system, in the sense that we fully cover their Ufe eyele from their creation, through their use and curation until their eventual removal. We present the main steps of this eyele and present the models used for metadata specification. In doing so, we distinguish two classes of metadata: metadata that describe workflow related entities, such as services, workflows and subworkflows, and metadata that describe workflow executions, also known as workflow provenance.
doi:10.1109/ccgrid.2008.17 dblp:conf/ccgrid/BelhajjameWCOTWG08 fatcat:hglmznxmijcz3klpplihtecr6u