Multivariate analysis of metastasis-related risk factors for patients with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors based on clinicopathological and endoscopic features
Caiyun Tang, Lingqi Gong, Wenli Zou, Jie Zhang, Yuqian Zhou, Xiaoping Wu, Fanggen Lu, Chunhui Ouyang, Xiaowei Liu
Oncology Reports
Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) are relatively uncommon. Unfortunately, epidemiological studies on the incidence of GEP-NETs worldwide have reported a marked increase in the detection of these tumors. Although they often exhibit relatively indolent clinical courses, GEP-NETs have the potential for lethal progression, especially in patients who present with advanced disease. Early detection and surgical removal is currently the only reliable curative treatment for GEP-NET
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... patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of GEP-NETs and explore the metastasis-related risk factors of patients with GEP-NETs. One hundred and forty-six patients diagnosed pathologically with GEP-NETs from January 2001 to January 2015 at the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University were retrospectively evaluated. We retrieved and analyzed information concerning clinical characteristics and metastasis-related risk factors, and used Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis to analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of GEP-NETs and explore the association between tumor metastasis and possible related risk factors. The results revealed that the most common clinical manifestations were abdominal pain (n=88), alteration in the character of stool (n=58) and melaena (n=33). Rectum (91/146, 62.3%) and stomach (19/146, 13.0%) were the main sites of metastasis. Both Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis showed that tumor size (P<0.05), tumor type (P=0.008) and peritumoral lymphatic vessel density (LVD) (P=0.004) were significantly correlated with tumor metastasis. Neither Chi-square test nor logistic regression analysis indicated that gender (P>0.05), age (P>0.05), tumor location (P>0.05), tumor number (P>0.05), chromaffin granule protein A [chromogranin A (CgA), P>0.05], synaptophysin (Syn, P>0.05) or intratumoral LVD (P>0.05) had a significant correlation with tumor metastasis. Chi-square test revealed that tumor grade was significantly correlated with tumor metastasis. In conclusion, GEP-NETs may occur in multiple sites of the digestive system and lack specific clinical manifestations. Tumor size, tumor type, peritumoral LVD, total LVD and tumor grade are metastasis-related risk factors for GEP-NET patients.