A dynamic Level 2 PRA using ADAPT-MELCOR [chapter]

D Osborn, D Mandelli, K Metzroth, T Aldemir, R Denning, U Catalyurek
2011 Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management  
This paper discusses the work which has been conducted for a Level 2 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Station Blackout Scenario using a dynamic event tree analysis methodology. The methodology is implemented using the Analysis of Dynamic Accident Progression Trees (ADAPT) software. This work is an extension of past MELCOR-ADAPT dynamic PRA in which additional parameters are considered including creep rupture distributions for carbon steel (CS), stainless steel (SS), and Inconel (IS) for the
more » ... ressurizer (SS), steam generators (IS), and for multiple reactor coolant loops (CS and SS). Additionally, multiple Safety Relief Value (SRV) failures are considered for per-demand failure, and high temperature cycling failure probability distributions. An updated containment fragility curve was incorporated using data from NUREG/CR-5121 and NUREG/CR 6920. This work allows for better insight into the potential timing differences for creep rupture at various locations in the reactor coolant system and investigates multiple SRV failures.
doi:10.1201/b11433-41 fatcat:7udhwvmgjzhf5j74hdqygaselu