Management of a Pregnant Patient with Platelet Type Von Willebrand Disorder: Case Report and Review of Literature

Merin Dana, Sidharthan Neeraj, K VKarthika, Unni Manoj, G Rema, K N Anila
2021 International Journal of Current Research and Review  
Platelet type Von Willebrand disorder(PT -VWD) is an autosomal bleeding syndrome induced by an irregular glycoprotein Ib protein function that results in platelets that are hyperresponsive. While this condition seems to be well described due to this single molecular defect, diagnosis and management can be difficult. It usually has an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. PT-VWD is the least popular among all other VWDs, and only fewer than 50 patients have been reported in the literature.
more » ... bjective: To investigate the impact of platelet transfusion and also to assess the bleeding risk in the management of platelet type vWD patients, especially pregnant women, and therefore, a lack of data on the most competent method for assessing bleeding risk and supervising hemostasis in these patients. Methods: The participant was a 27-year-old female with platelet type vWD along with hypothyroid, who came with 6 weeks of gestation for expectant management of her pregnancy. Results: Since there were no bleeding risks, the platelet (SDP) was transfused before delivery. A healthy female baby was delivered with no further complications and the patient was comfortable with stable vitals. Conclusion: This case report highlights the significance of multiple lab investigations in the diagnosis of the different forms of vWD, complications in management decisions, avoiding bleeding in such patients. This case study also evokes interest in the utility of platelet transfusions in PT -vWD. Our patient had an uneventful pregnancy with no bleeding complications and delivered a healthy female child.
doi:10.31782/ijcrr.2021.sp250 fatcat:xmisg6ipg5gczo6fhed4xesgsm