Évaluation des dégâts de Analeptes trifasciata (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) sur les anacardiers dans les régions du Béré et de l'Iffou (Côte d'Ivoire)

Kouadio Dagobert Kra, Koffi Eric Kwadjo, Bleu Gondo Douan, Konan Lucien Kouame, Kagninbébin Valy Ouattara, Mamadou Doumbia
2017 Journal of Applied Biosciences  
Objective: The aim of this study was to monitor damages and to provide a database of Analeptes trifasciata, a cashew pest. Methodology and results: In order to evaluate Analeptes trifasciata damage, surveys were carried out in cashew orchards of Bouandougou, Ouellé and Tiéningboué sub-prefectures. It is evident from this survey that the Cerambycidae damage were observed in all the plantations visited. This insect causes significant losses of cashew nuts branches ranging from 1.20 ± 0.42 to 3.90
more » ... ± 1.20 with diameters up to 16.60 ± 0.70 to 19.10 ± 0.87 cm. The most sensitive and attractive phenological stage of cashew trees to Cerambycidae attacks is flowering, coinciding with the end of rainy season. The branches severed by the pest are managed by burning respectively 30%, 0% and 20% via cashew nuts producers of Bouandougou, Ouellé and Tiéningboué. Conclusion and application findings : It is evident from this survey, Analeptes trifasciata shears the branches of the cashew tree at the beginning of the dry season. Producers can always be advised to burn the branches those they amass in their plantation in order to eliminate the pest eggs, larvae and adults. But, the use of mechanical control consisting of killing the pest with a machete or hoe is also important and for this they have to cross the fields daily in search of the pest.
doi:10.4314/jab.v112i1.1 fatcat:dakzmfsy7vazxdzia47pgqecfm