An Efficient Hybrid Forecasting Approach for Wind Speed Time Series

Bhargavi Munnaluri, K. Ganesh Reddy
2017 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering  
Wind forecasting is one of the best efficient ways to deal with the challenges of wind power generation. Due to the depletion of fossil fuels renewable energy sources plays a major role for the generation of power. For future management and for future utilization of power, we need to predict the wind speed. In this paper, an efficient hybrid forecasting approach with the combination of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) are proposed to improve the quality of
more » ... ion of wind speed. Due to the different parameters of wind, it is difficult to find the accurate prediction value of the wind speed. The proposed hybrid model of forecasting is examined by taking the hourly wind speed of past years data by reducing the prediction error with the help of Mean Square Error by 0.019. The result obtained from the Artificial Neural Networks improves the forecasting quality.
doi:10.23956/ijarcsse.v7i9.404 fatcat:6q2fallte5ahlna4woxmjk4n7m