Network in Belle II

Silvio Pardi
2019 Zenodo  
Belle II has started the Phase 3 data taking with a fully quipped detector. The data flow at the maximum luminosity is expected to be 12PB of data/year and will be analysed by a cutting-edge computing infrastructure spread over 26 Countries. Some of the major Computing Centres for HEP in Europe, USA and Canada will store and tackle the second copy of RAW data. In this scenario, the international Network Infrastructure for Research plays a key role in supporting and orchestrating all the
more » ... es of data analysis and replication. The large-scale data challenge will also take advantage form LHCONE VRF service and the support of Network experts of KEKCC, Belle II sites and NREN. The program of major upgrade in 2019 massively empowered the connection among Japan, Europe and USA over a 100Gb geographic ring. In this work, we summarize the network requirements needed to accomplish all the tasks provided by the computing model. We also highlight the status of the major network links that support and advance Belle II. Lastly, we present the results of the last Network Data Challenge campaign performed between KEK and the main RAW Data centres with the additional usage of the Data Transfer Node service provided by GEANT.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3599676 fatcat:5iwgcjrcknggtepaftfmxqhxqe