Efficient Mixer in Baking "Galamai" Process by Using Camera Sensor

Rahmadi Kurnia
2016 KnE Engineering  
One of Indonesian traditional food, expecially in Minangkabau called galamai was baked with inefficient and complicated manner. At least 4 or 5 person were needed to mix 30 kg galamai batter for 6 hours during baking process. This research solved those problems. The aim of this work was to displace a human labor with an automatic machine to make it more efficient. The basic idea of this reseach is to desain an automatic mixer by using camera sensor for controling the speed of DC machine. This
more » ... xer was worked base on the fact galamai batter characteristics that its color and viscosity will change during cooking process. Discoloration in galamai batter will be captured by camera sensor as a data input. Images data of the color of galamai batter will be converted in grayscale images. The intensity of gray scale image became an input for FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) which controled the speed of machine. The speed of motor will increase when the grayscale color of galamai batter is low. The system could controlled turning speed of motor automatically with acuration of speed value is more than 96.4% and synchronized in variation of galamai batter volume.
doi:10.18502/keg.v1i1.483 fatcat:n7bc6fy3cja7fnvoorbi7sldfu