Small amplitude forced fluid dynamics from gravity at T=0

Jae-Hyuk Oh
2011 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
The usual derivative expansion of gravity duals of charged fluid dynamics is known to break down in the zero temperature limit. In this case, the fluid-gravity duality is not understood precisely. We explore this problem for a zero temperature charged fluid driven by a low frequency, small amplitude and spatially homogeneous external force. In the gravity dual, this corresponds to time dependent boundary value of the dilaton. We calculate the bulk solution for the dilaton and the leading
more » ... ction to the metric and the gauge fields using the modified low frequency expansion of [11]. The resulting solutions are regular everywhere, establishing fluid-gravity duality to this order.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-011-1841-9 fatcat:4qykh27tc5eyrmwhujp46zzcsi