Energy Conservation Potential in SMEs of Thailand

M. Prukvilailert, P. Wangskarn
2011 Energy Procedia  
Most small-and-medium size organizations are not able to perform energy conservation activities by their own because of lacks of technical skills and workers. Therefore, in 2009, the participatory energy conservation for Smalland-Medium size factories and commercial buildings (SMEs) was launched in order to educate and raise awareness of employees and workers in organizations regarding energy conservation. In this paper, the evaluation of the participatory energy conservation projects by SMEs
more » ... th factories and commercial buildings have been presented. The energy conservation and energy management for 135 surveyed organizations (117 factories divided into 10 categories and 18 commercial buildings divided into 5 categories) were evaluated. There were 850 measures including 735 measures for electrical energy conservation and 115 measures for thermal energy conservation. The implementation of energy conservation measures resulted in energy savings that were estimated at 1,421.2143 toe/year or 4.60% of total energy consumption.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.10.020 fatcat:5w7z3x5bnzdfpjpqhfbmyj7tca