Economic gains of improving soil fertility and water holding capacity with clay application: the impact of soil remediation research in Northeast Thailand

Rathinasamy Maria Saleth, Arlene Inocencio, Andrew Noble, Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern
2009 Journal of Development Effectiveness  
Saleth, R. M.; Inocencio, A.; Noble, A.; Ruaysoongnern, S. 2009. Economic gains of improving soil fertility and water holding capacity with clay application: The impact of soil remediation research in Northeast Thailand. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute.38p. (IWMI Research Report 130) / soil fertility / water holding capacity / clay soils / soil improvement / sandy soils / soil water relations / soil management / farming systems / crop yield / vegetable crops / rice
more » ... sorghum / research projects / models / statistical methods / cost benefit analysis / economic aspects / Thailand /
doi:10.1080/19439340903105022 fatcat:uy73427h5bfghmd53faieb6yee