Research on Test System for Disease Aided Diagnosis

Chen Wei, Wen Zhangxiong, Chen Lin, Sun Fengwen, Yansong Wang
2017 MATEC Web of Conferences  
A real-time multi parameter acquisition system is designed in this paper. Sensors collect physiological parameter data. The parameters are transmitted to the main processor module via a wireless sensor network. The main processor processes the data. The results reflect the current physiological condition of the monitored person.If the physiological condition is abnormal, alarm measures will be initiated to inform the monitor. Wavelet analysis method is used to denoise data. The wavelet
more » ... and least squares support vector machines are used to predict the information, and the model is corrected by the statistical results of the measured data. Experiments show that the modified method is effective.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201712804020 fatcat:2dwb4hnbm5ebfgynunl5yx7kde