Muhammad Sartaaj Khan Nizam Farid Chishti
2019 Zenodo  
Objective: This study aimed to assess that whether severity of the pain in labor has some impact of the growth of the interaction between neonates and mothers in females of our country. Methodology: The research study conducted in the departments of obstetrics & gynecology in Mayo Hospital, Lahore from January to March 2019. In the duration of this study, interview of two hundred and twenty-five mothers having infants conducted. All these females were fulfilling the standard of inclusion in the
more » ... case study. Results: The mean scores of the interaction among mother and infant were significant statistically in accordance with the age of the mother, level of education and duration of the labor. There was no impact on the interaction because of type of labor. The disparity among the initial period of feeding through breasts and scores of interaction was much significant. The severity of the labor pain is not able to impact on the interaction of mother and her infant. But with the increase in the intensity of labor pain, the scores of interaction decrease. Conclusion: The results showed that there should be the implementation of training programs for the interaction of mother and their infants especially who are with high age, low level of education & multigravida. There is also a suggestion to use the techniques which are painless during delivery. Key Words: Methodology, interaction, implementation, obstetrics, gynecology, multigravida, breast, severity.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2642528 fatcat:y42jaydslrgzxa2dqsdwohaxru