Intraoperative bronchial stump air leak control by Progel® application after pulmonary lobectomy

Mohsen Ibrahim, Fioralba Pindozzi, Cecilia Menna, Erino A. Rendina
2015 Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery  
Diffuse tracheobronchial calcification is a physiological condition associated with advanced age, especially in women. A calcified bronchus can be fractured during major lung resections (lobectomy, bilobectomy, and pneumonectomy), exposing patients to intraoperative air leakage and broncho-pleural fistula (BPF) occurrence. We retrospectively evaluated the use of Progel® application on the suture line of bronchial stump after pulmonary lobectomy analysing the intraoperative air leak and BPF
more » ... rence. Between January 2014 and December 2014, Progel® was applied in 11 patients who presented intraoperative bronchial fractures after suture resection by mechanical staplers and air leak from bronchial stump, in order to treat air leakage. Patients were 7 men and 4 women, aged between 56 and 81 years (mean age 71.2 ± 12.1 years). Surgical procedures included 6 upper lobectomies (4 right, 2 left), 1 bilobectomy and 4 lower lobectomies (3 right, 1 left). Mean hospital stay was 4.5 ± 2.6 days (2-8 days). None of the patients had postoperative air leakage. No Progel® application-related complications occurred. No other major complications occurred. No mortality occurred. Progel® proved to be useful in treating intraoperative air leakage during major lung resections, particularly those occurring as a result of fracture of the bronchus from a mechanical stapler.
doi:10.1093/icvts/ivv307 pmid:26541960 fatcat:oho55zjbczahpeu4fk26o4xw3y