Analysis of Chemical and Physical Phenomena in the Atmospheric Environment Using Numerical Model

Hikari Shimadera
Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi  
This paper described the findings obtained from the numerical analyses of atmospheric chemical and physical phenomena using meteorology and air quality models. An estimate of the amount of acid deposition by fog water deposition revealed that the contribution of fog to the acid deposition was comparable to that of precipitation in some mountainous areas in the Kinki Region of Japan. In the Urban air quality Model Inter-Comparison Study (UMICS) to improve the model performance for simulating
more » ... particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) in the Greater Tokyo Area of Japan, various sensitivity analyses revealed pathways for improvement of the underestimate of particulate nitrate and the overestimate of organic aerosols. Additional numerical analyses also showed numerous findings about the long-range transport and source contribution of PM 2.5 and ozone.
doi:10.11298/taiki.54.9 fatcat:iwui36o4wrgilbacmlsev7pegm