LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Reproductive Health Status of Scheduled Caste Women in Thiruvarur District, Tamilnadu

M Thirumalai, B Mallikarjun, Sam, B A Sharada, A R Fatihi, Lakhan, Marie Jennifer, S M Bayer, G Ravichandran, L Baskaran, Ramamoorthy, P Rejoice (+2 others)
Childbirth is one of the important events affecting the health of a woman, especially in developing countries likes India. The major objective of the research is to assess the reproductive health status of Scheduled Caste married women, residing in rural areas of Thiruvarur district of Tamilnadu state. Multistage stratified random sampling technique was applied to select the respondents from the Thiruvarur district for the research purpose. There were 1164 households with the target population.
more » ... Totally 1203 women in the age group of 15-24 were identified in all the five blocks. A total of 605 respondents were selected by systematic random sampling technique. Nearly three-fifth of the scheduled caste women experienced any one kind of health problem during their pregnancy period (58.2 percent) and also half of the SC women experienced any one kind of delivery complication during their latest child delivery (49.4 percent). It is observed that education of women, standard of living condition, age at marriage and number of ANC visit were statistically significant with the prevalence of any one pregnancy related health problem among SC population. It concludes that, state government should strengthen their IEC activities and introduce community specific intervention programmes to reduce the reproductive health problems among the scheduled caste population