2019 Socialization & Human Development: International Scientific Journal  
The goal of the article is to substantiating the program of psychological follow-up for the development of the emotional intelligence in primary school pupils in the educational process of primary school and analyzing the results of its empirical approbation. In order to verify the effectiveness of the elaborated program we have conducted a forming experiment and carried out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results using the methods of mathematical statistics. 72 pupils
more » ... rade 4)were participated in the forming experiment, who were included in the experimental (n=36) andcontrol groups (n=36). It was the same number of boys (18 people) and girls (18 people) in each of them, who had a low and an average levels of emotional intelligence. Diagnostic of the development of emotional intelligence of primary school pupils was carrying out with the help of the questionnaire «EmIn» by D. V. Liusin (Lyusin, 2006). After implementation of the program of psychological follow-up of the development of emotional intelligence in the pupils of the experimental group occurs not only an increase of its general level of the development, but also there are positive changes in its structural components and their indicators. The dynamics of the development of the types of emotional intelligence of primary school pupils after the forming experiment shows, on the one hand, the growth of the internal balance of its structural components, on the other – confirms our assumption about the possibility of its development in general. A developed author's program of psychological follow-up of the development of emotional intelligence of primary school pupils can be used by school psychologists, primary school teachers, parents in order to form the emotional competence of children and ensure the success of pedagogical interaction with pupils.
doi:10.37096/shdisj-19-1.1-0011 fatcat:fiuh3rmfivetbcvbkmxtypnsn4