Low-Loss Differential Semicoaxial Interconnects in CMOS Process

Jun-De Jin, Shawn S. H. Hsu, Ming-Ta Yang, Sally Liu
2006 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques  
Design, characterization, and modeling of differential semicoaxial interconnects based on a standard 0.18-m CMOS process are presented for the first time. The differential semicoaxial line shows a low differential-mode attenuation constant of 1.00 dB/mm at 50 GHz and a slow-wave factor above 3.1 over a wide frequency range. The characteristics of differential semicoaxial lines for differential mode, common mode, slow-wave effect, and coupling effect are also investigated in details based on the
more » ... measured mixed-mode -parameters. The lumped circuit is adopted to model the CMOS differential semicoaxial lines. An excellent agreement between the measured and modeled results is obtained up to 50 GHz.
doi:10.1109/tmtt.2006.886000 fatcat:3xv77kbsxfeexha4qh7kfnxy3y