Protein Deficiency Impairs DNA Vaccine-Induced Antigen-Specific T Cell but Not B Cell Response in C57BL/6 Mice

Tohru SAKAI, Kaori MITSUYA, Mari KOGISO, Kaori ONO, Tatsushi KOMATSU, Shigeru YAMAMOTO
2006 Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology  
DNA vaccination is a simple method to induce antigen (Ag)-specific immunoresponse and has many potential advantages over other vaccines. Although people who need to receive vaccines often suffer undernutrition, there has been no study on a how nutritional status affects the immunoresponse induced by DNA vaccination. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between protein deficiency and DNA vaccineinduced immunoresponses. C57BL/6 mice were fed a 5% or 20% casein diet for 30 d.
more » ... mice were immunized with an ovalubumin (OVA)-expression plasmid by the gene gunbased method three times at 10-d intervals. Body weight and serum albumin concentration in protein-deficient mice were significantly lower than those in mice fed the 20% casein diet ( p Ͻ 0.01, p Ͻ 0.05). The percentage of OVA-specific CD8 ϩ T cells was significantly decreased in the 5% casein group compared to that in the 20% casein group ( p Ͻ 0.05). Furthermore, CD4 ϩ T cells from mice fed the low-protein diet showed lower interleukin (IL)-2 production than did those from the 20% group. In contrast to the T-cell function, protein deficiency did not affect OVA-specific Ab responses ( p Ͼ 0.05). These results suggest that protein deficiency impairs the induction of Ag-specific T-cell but not B-cell response in DNA-immunized mice. Our observation indicates that, in addition to development of an effective of DNA vaccine, the management of nutritional state is important for the prevention of infectious disease by DNA vaccination.
doi:10.3177/jnsv.52.376 fatcat:funt66ar4neyzhebjxucvehdfq