Design of Water Purified with RO+UV+UF

Prof. Sogarwal A. M
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
In this water purifier we combine the RO (Reverse Osmosis) UV (ultraviolet) and UF (Ultra filtration) with TDS controller and AAA (alkaline antioxidant antibacterial). The water purifier is design on the basis of the efficiency increasing, cost of purifier, and maximum places it can be used for different type of water. The water purifier provided mineral cartridge in which the mineral is added and quality of water is increase. The TDS controller is provided to control the TDS of water and to
more » ... ide the purification outline. It is economical and very efficient for purification of water with minimum wastage of water.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.3250 fatcat:wkmsuourybfcvfa2gctqegr5ci