Cambios educativos en los procesos de lectura digital: la pedagogía del ciberespacio como estrategia de procesamiento de contenidos en la era de internet

Diego Apolo, Marc Bayés, Andrés Hermann
2016 Revista de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social de la Comunicación  
The emergence of new information and communications technology in the decade of the 90s in the twentieth century and in the first decade of the 21st century, has enabled the use of communication tools reconfiguring the current educational model. In this sense, the need to undertake processes of digital literacy are not only confined to artifactual net management Internet and computers (hardware and software), but also the evolution of critical and creative thinking found in this new
more » ... l ecosystem. Forms of reading that occur within the use of analog technologies are characterized by linear or sequential-type, while forms of reading that occur with digital technologies, provide the possibility of net shaped or branched data interpretation where the user can choose the path of the plot or story. This raises questions in regards to a pedagogy of cyberspace and a theory of teaching and learning strategies that would put data processing and information, knowledge and learning of languages or virtual narratives which can open a natural field for web use and digital environments.
doi:10.15213/redes.n12.p222 fatcat:u7tne2uk7bezbnm4nr4i3bpkfq