Temperature of extrusions and extrusion pressure of aluminum alloy in consideration of changing yield strength in each elements

1987 Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals  
Temperature of extrusions and extrusion pressure of aluminum alloy in consideration of changing yield strength in each elements Kanji TAKEUCHI* The temperature rise and the extrusion pressure during extrusion operation are calculated by dividing billet, die, container and dummy block in to small elements. Heat transfer is calculated by the difference equation method. Heat generated are assumed as mechanical energy change to heat energy. Yield strength of metal in each elements of the billet are
more » ... treated as the function of strain rate and temperature. As to movement of metal in the billet, two opposit assumptions are set up and calculated, expecting the solution will be between of the two. Temperature distribution in the billet calculated by the two methods are quite different, but extrusion pressure are quite similar. Chiba Institute of Technology (Narashino).
doi:10.2464/jilm.37.345 fatcat:xz3i7qnqn5eajikqp6xoh2xgre