Light Control of Arabidopsis Development Entails Coordinated Regulation of Genome Expression and Cellular Pathways

L. Ma
2001 The Plant Cell  
An expressed sequence tag-based microarray was used to profile genome expression underlying light control of Arabidopsis development. Qualitatively similar gene expression profiles were observed among seedlings grown in different light qualities, including far-red, red, and blue light, which are mediated primarily by phytochrome A, phytochrome B, and the cryptochromes, respectively. Furthermore, light/dark transitions also triggered similar differential genome expression profiles. Most light
more » ... atments also resulted in distinct expression profiles in small fractions of the expressed sequence tags examined. The similarly regulated genes in all light conditions were estimated to account for approximately one-third of the genome, with three-fifths upregulated and two-fifths downregulated by light. Analysis of those light-regulated genes revealed more than 26 cellular pathways that are regulated coordinately by light. Thus, light controls Arabidopsis development through coordinately regulating metabolic and regulatory pathways.
doi:10.1105/tpc.13.12.2589 pmid:11752374 fatcat:2rgxoiporze3fis2ty3eeylmya