Analyzing Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Candidates Skill of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Natural Science Learning

Juhji Juhji
2019 Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI  
This study aims to determine the ability of Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of prospective teachers of primary school at science subject. Respondents of this study were prospective teachers of the primary school in UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in the academic year 2018/2019 which took the Practice Program Course of Employment in the semester VII. The method used in this study is a type of survey cross-sectional design. The research instruments include a closed
more » ... re, analysis of lesson plans, and observation sheet. The data obtained in this study is the description of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge at Science Subject. The results showed that the mean skill score technological knowledge prospective teachers primary school of 2.94 (good category), average skill score pedagogical knowledge for prospective teachers primary school is 2.86 (good category), average skill score content knowledge for prospective teachers of primary school is 2.66 (good category), average skill score pedagogical content knowledge prospective teachers of primary school are 3.02 (good category), average skill score technological content knowledge prospective teachers of primary school of 2.41 (a quite good category), average skill score of technological pedagogical knowledge prospective teachers of primary school is 2.65 (good category), average skill score of TPCK prospective teachers of primary school is 2.38 (category pretty good). Thus, it can be concluded that the ability of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Prospective Teachers of Primary School in Science Subjects has a pretty good category.
doi:10.24235/al.ibtida.snj.v6i1.3658 fatcat:3ehnskia2zgahgqfbslsggyuli