Effect of sediment and aquatic ecosystem on fisheries of Mithilanchal

Dipti Kumari
2015 International journal of fauna and biological studies  
Sediments play on important role in maintaining the productivity of water body, has ability to store the nutrients and release them into water through different mechanisms under different conditions and maintain aquatic ecosystem. The elevate level of sodimentation and turbidity can reduce the productivity of aquatic system both these correlated factors have the potential to decrease primary productivity that may have consequence to secondary productivity and the energy low to higher topic
more » ... s. Guidelines that rely on the volumetric determination of "settleable solids" are not endorsed or use because of the difficulty of obtaining a meaningful and generally applicable relationship between this variable and suspended solids Guidelines that rely on gravimetric determination of suspended sediments concentration are recommended for use over those that rely solely on turbidity. However if the relationship is known between these variables, then turbidity may be used as a surrogate or suspended sediment. The use of guidelines that incorporate the duration of exposure to sediments provide useful analytical information or predictive purposes but caution is warranted when attempting to predict the effects of low (d" tens of mgl") levels of sediment over protected period of time. It is concluded that elevated levels of sediment may be harmful to fish and in addition negatively impact on their habitat.
doi:10.22271/23940522.2015.v2.i1a.758 fatcat:ws5eoil2pnfrrga7md5rxxqe5i