Experience with measuring magnetic moments of permanent magnet blocks at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

D.H. Nelson, P.J. Barale, M.I. Green, D.A. Van Dyke
1988 IEEE transactions on magnetics  
Since May 198b, The Magnetic Meas urements Engineering Group at LBL has measured and sorted a total of 3834 permanent magnet blocks. These magnetic blocks have been used in the construction of various successful beam-line elements including dipoles. quadrupoles, and wigglers. We report on observed variations in magnetic moments among blocks supplied by five manufacturers, describe the opera tional capabilities (accuracy, precision, and resolu tion) of the LBL Magnetic-moment Measurement and
more » ... ing System (MMSS), cite the results of comparative calibrations by permanent-magnet manufacturers and other National Laboratories, and suggest criteria for automating the MMSS for measuring the large number of permanent-magnet blocks required for the insertion dev ices for the projected LBL 1-2 GeV Synchrotron Radia tion Source.
doi:10.1109/20.11421 fatcat:v5ywnu7fovfyhgp5t73jqpxirm