Observed Ωc0 resonances as pentaquark states

C. S. An, H. Chen
2017 Physical Review D  
In present work, we investigate the spectrum of several low-lying sscqq̅ pentaquark configurations employing the constituent quark model, within which the hyperfine interaction between quarks is taken to be mediated by Goldstone boson exchange. Our numerical results show that four sscqq̅ configurations with J^P=1/2^- or J^P=3/2^- lie at energies very close to the recently observed five Ω_c^0 states by LHCb collaboration, this indicates that the sscqq̅ pentaquark configurations may form sizable components of the observed Ω_c^0 resonances.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.96.034012 fatcat:ic2rxu3onfc7xouy4odhippbzm