L.A. Khamidov, Institute of Seismology. G.A. Mavlyanova AN RUz
In the article the results of studies of stress-strained state of the crust in Chatkal's mountain zone of west Tan-Shan are shown. In the first approximation the main and paleo-stresses for separate area of the region's are estimated. For analysis of the stresses the methods of mathematical modeling and tectonophysical methods of stresses fields reconstructions and method of recovering of stresses by earthquakes mechanisms are used. The comparison with result of seismic-tectonic studies, with
more » ... mponent of stresses which are measured in open casts and mines and also with results of laboratory experimental studies of rocks deformations under high pressure influence is taken.
doi:10.23939/jgd2010.01.057 fatcat:l6z4bgi3njgqhdsianp2qky2oa