OS0302 Plastic Deformation and Forming Limit of Initially Isotropic Cast AZ31 Magnesium Alloy under Biaxial Compressions at Elevated Temperatures
OS0302 温間二軸圧縮における初期等方性AZ31マグネシウム合金鋳造材の塑性変形と成形限界

Seiki HIRANO, Ichiro SHIMIZU, Daisuke AKIYAMA, Naoya TADA
2012 The Proceedings of the Materials and Mechanics Conference  
Magnesium alloys have special features such as light weight , high specific strength and good reusabi ] ity . However , information on the flow behaVior and fbrmability of magnesium alloys in multi − axial compressive stress conditions is highly ] imited , nevenheless of their importance f( 〕r plastic working processes such as forging and extrusion . In thc present stUdy , the uniaxial and biaxial compression tcsts along proportional strain paths were conducted at room and at elevated
more » ... es , and thus the influence of strain paths and temperatUre upon mechanical properties and compressive forming limit were discussed . The resultS revea ] ed that the fiow Stress scarcely changes with the test tcmperatUre in the range from 493 K tO 523 K . On the other hand , the compressive ft ) rming rimit was found to be dependent on the tempcrature as welL as the strain paths .
doi:10.1299/jsmemm.2012._os0302-1_ fatcat:whuptqoqpfbhvaora6nrn7nb5u