Self-Esteem: A Positive Way to Psychosocial Well-Being [chapter]

Zoleka Ntshuntshe, Nokuzola Gqeba, Malinge Livingstone Gqeba, Nolonwabo Majibha
2020 Counseling and Therapy  
The process of globalisation has changed the pattern of social life of people across the globe. Undoubtedly this has had a bad impact on the lives of the people as it affects their social structures. This is because even though globalisation does have its advantages, it also has its disadvantages which we can say are the "negative effects" it has on people. The people that are mostly affected are the youth as they tend to be very "impressionable" and sometimes even "gullible" to the most
more » ... ng media and technology advances. For some they seek affirmations in these platforms, which may work to their detriment. Hence negative effects of globalisation manifests in all kinds of problems which have the potential to destroy individuals and families if there are no proper interventions in place to ensure better outcomes for all. This chapter will then try to explain what globalisation is, its impact on individuals especially the youth and the role of family and teachers in establishing and affirming children's positive self-esteem. Ultimately the chapter will end by outlining therapy approaches for positive self-esteem formation.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.92033 fatcat:zxglqdkrxrdknjquckixmuz3ea