Constraining the density slope of nuclear symmetry energy at subsaturation densities using electric dipole polarizability inPb208

Zhen Zhang, Lie-Wen Chen
2014 Physical Review C  
Nuclear structure observables usually most effectively probe the properties of nuclear matter at subsaturation densities rather than at saturation density. We demonstrate that the electric dipole polarizibility α _ D in ^208Pb is sensitive to both the magnitude E_sym(ρ_c) and density slope L(ρ_c) of the symmetry energy at a subsaturation cross density ρ_c = 0.11 fm^-3. Using the experimental data of α _ D in ^208Pb from RCNP and the recent accurate constraint of E_sym(ρ_c) from the binding
more » ... y difference of heavy isotope pairs, we extract a value of L(ρ_c) = 47.3 ± 7.8 MeV. The implication of the present constraint of L(ρ_c) to the symmetry energy at saturation density, the neutron skin thickness of ^208Pb and the core-crust transition density in neutron stars is discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.90.064317 fatcat:iutzp4ffijeslc64tpdaammzpm